


Requirements Management

We gather the requirements from the client, document them and discuss them with the team so that everybody is on the same page.

System Analysis & Design

We convert the high-level requirements into the low-level requirements through high level and low-level design.

Development/ Coding

The dev team start programming following the coding standards. Unit testing and integration testing can be done on the developed programme.

Module Release

The Dev team complies with the code and creates the build and then is pushed to the QA environment for further testing.

Testing /QA

QA team starts testing the build, using test case doc and finds bugs that can be posted on the Naarscope tool.


Once testing on the QA environment is over the build is pushed to the UAT environment for client testing. Maintenance Once the product is moved to live, the customer may find bugs or have new requirements that need to be worked on.


Once the product is okay in the UAT. The final, bug free product will be moved to production/live environment


Once the product is moved to live, the customer may find bugs or have new requirements that need to be worked on.

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