How to choose a recommendation engine?
Modern search engines are pretty amazing. Within a few seconds, they assist us in locating the solution to any inquiries we pose over online data. Whether it’s shopping, buying tickets, banking, watching entertainment shows or movies, we do almost everything online. People have grown accustomed to the Internet. You can order products from around the world on Amazon and watch TV shows and movies on Netflix. But how’s all that possible? What justifies such a rapid search procedure?
Let’s discuss AI Recommendation Engine technology that quickly assist consumers in obtaining the information they need and deliver the best suitable recommendations.
What is a recommendation Engine?
A recommendation system is an artificial intelligence or AI algorithm, often combined with machine learning, that uses big data to recommend products to consumers. They are trained to understand the preferences, past decisions, and characteristics of people and products using data collected about their interactions. These include impressions, clicks, likes, and purchases. It can lead consumers to any product or service that interests them, from books and videos to health and clothing choices.
How to choose a recommendation engine?
A good model is one that not only overcomes common problems and provides good recommendations for the user as a whole, but also meets the user’s needs and requirements at a particular time.
Content-based Filtering
This recommendation system works on the principle of similar content. When a user watches a movie, the system checks for other movies with similar content or the same genre. There are two criteria that are used to calculate similarity during similar content checking I.e; Item based and User based.
For example, if a user enjoys movies like Mission Impossible, the recommendation system will recommend movies in the action genre and movies featuring Tom Cruise.
Collaborative filtering
This technique is based on collecting and analyzing data about user behavior. This includes predicting a user’s online activity and user preferences based on similarity to other users. For example, if user A likes mangoes, apples, and bananas, and user B likes bananas, apples, and watermelon, their interests are similar. So it is very likely that A likes watermelon and B likes mangoes.
Hybrid Recommendation Systems
A hybrid recommender system recommends products concurrently with both content-based and collaborative filtering, suggesting a wide range of products to customers.
What can be Recommended?
There are many things like movies, books, news, articles, jobs, advertisements, and more that can be recommended by the system. Netflix uses a recommendation system to recommend movies and web series to users. YouTube recommends various videos. Amazon recommends various types of products. There are many examples of recommendation systems in widespread use today.
In today’s digital world, to have a recommendation engine for your business is a good investment. It will drive traffic to your website, show relevant items to customers saving them time and making them happy, increase product/content consumption, engage customers with your product leading to more sales and transform them to loyal customers, resulting in further product consumption and ultimately increase in revenue and profit.