Pandemic’s Impact on Global Mental Health
Do you think the pandemic affected the purchasing pattern of the consumers? If yes, then did it go upwards or changed their perspective totally? What about online shopping versus known retail shops and favourite brands? In a survey done by PwC, their report says a major shift in purchasing patterns took place during the pandemic lockdown. Another survey done by McKinsey & Company shows consumers have tried a new shopping behaviour and tried different brands and will continue to do so. Now, imagine having a recommendation engine which can filter consumer behaviour, predict their product of interest and suggest related products to the consumers, keeping your sale and profit running.
The COVID-19 pandemic had brought many changes to how we live our life, and with it, came uncertainty, change in daily routines, social isolation and financial pressures. Worry about getting sick, whether your job will be affected and what the future will bring. Too much of information, rumors and misinformation made life feel out of control and made it unclear on what should be done. People experienced stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, loneliness and mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression which only worsened.
Various studies showed a sharp increase in the number of adults worldwide which reported symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia during the pandemic compared to pre-pandemic studies.
A section of people turned to alcohol and drugs, thinking it can help them cope with their fear of the pandemic. Recent studies also showed an increase in arguments and abuse among family members. Anxiety, community isolation, stress, fear of the uncertain, fear of unemployment, depression and other symptoms were increasing at an alarming rate. It is normal to feel stressed and anxious during difficult times. However, at times such as COVID-19 pandemic, multiple challenges pushed many beyond their ability to cope.
Despite the best efforts, people can still feel helpless, sad, angry, frustrated, hopeless, anxious or afraid. You may find it difficult to concentrate on usual tasks, change in appetite, sleep disturbances, or difficulty managing daily tasks.
All this changing circumstances made us at NaarSoft think about how can we help elevate people from their current mental and emotional state. How can we approach and address this necessary and important question in life? After much thought and deliberation, our social project was born. And now, it is gradually growing into a full-fledged project that can give something back to people and society.
Follow our space to know about our social cause initiative.